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Nature's Destiny Page 3

  The road was becoming dangerously wet as pools of water gathered on the surface. I slowed down to a snail’s pace, I wasn’t about to become another statistic on the motorway mortality count. “Do you have any requests for dinner?”

  “Not really, as long as there’s plenty of it,” I giggled, the past week had been so draining, it felt good knowing it would soon be over.

  “OK, darling. I’ll have it ready by six, is that alright with you?”

  “Sounds good, mum.”

  “Good luck for today, I know you’ll do brilliantly. Writers’ words runs in our veins!”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you, mum. Bye!”

  “Love you.”

  I ended the call and searched through my music on the touchscreen monitor. I was beginning to feel really good, and a healthy sing-along could only improve my mood. Yesterday’s bad day was behind me, and I was turning over a new leaf. The next chapter of my life would start today, and I couldn’t wait.

  I parked up, and ran into Uni, trying (and failing) to stay as dry as I could. I saw Sky making her way through the hallway and I hurried to catch up with her. She hadn’t noticed, and I managed to creep up as close as I could before I shouted, “Good luck today!”

  I couldn’t resist the temptation after she’d rudely awakened me yesterday. Her reaction was priceless, and I almost keeled over with laughter. She stood, staring me down, after she’d jumped a mile. Her face turned pale and her eyes widened in shock. “You scared the hell out of me!” she yelled.

  “I’d say that was just desserts wouldn’t you?” I bat my eyelids at her , I was intent on playing the innocent card. She shoved me slightly and grinned, I knew I’d won this time.

  “It’s nice to see you in a good mood.” I shrugged, I didn’t really know what to say about that. There were several reasons why, and one in particular, I was keeping secret.

  Students walked around the campus, and the hallway was crammed as we waited to enter the exam room. “Do you know what you’re wearing later?”

  I looked at Sky confused, I was sure I’d missed part of a conversation. “What for?”

  “The big party hosted at Pure Sin tonight? You can’t tell me you haven’t seen the posters? They’ve been out for weeks!” I sighed, knowing where this was headed. “We’re going and that’s that. This may be the last time we spend time together before you jet off!”

  I couldn’t argue with that. Sky had a point, and I owed her a night of partying as a way of saying goodbye, besides I had the night off now anyway. “OK.” I said, trying to sound as positive as I could.

  “We’re going?” I nodded, and watched as she attempted to hold her excitement in. She looked ready to burst. “We’ll have to go shopping this afternoon!” I rolled my eyes, she was so predictable. I gave in, and agreed to drive into town later. She hopped up and down, while clapping her hands in enthusiasm.

  Her happiness became infectious, and I couldn’t contain the cheesy grin that occupied my face. In a goofy gesture we high fived one another and entered the exam room.

  It was time to be serious.

  Chapter Four

  “Can you just keep still for five more minutes, Luna!” Exasperated, Sky dabbed eye shadow across my eyelids.

  “I don’t even know why you’re bothering with all this make-up anyway.”

  “Don’t be such a sour madam, Luna. You’ll look hot if you just give me five more minutes, and stop moving!”

  I thought I was ready until Sky waltzed into my bedroom and started spouting words like eye shadow, and ‘going all out’. Whatever that meant.

  Straightening my hair was usually the difference between my normal, everyday look and being party-ready - that was me ‘going all out’. I certainly wasn’t dressing up to compete with Sky, not that I could anyway. I was going to look like a tart, I just knew it.

  “There.” She placed the brush down on the counter, and admired her handy work, grinning. I gingerly turned to look in the mirror, afraid of what I would see.

  “Oh!” was all I could manage. I couldn’t recognise myself. Pink merged into dark grey and black, creating a smoky effect across my eyes that I only saw ladies on TV wear.

  “Wow!” I said slowly, emphasising my shock.

  “My job here is done,” said Sky and she continued to smile as she walked out of my room. “I’ll be ready in five,” she called, and hurried away.

  I put on my black strappy heels and spritzed a little perfume. I loved the smell of my Chanel perfume. It was one indulgent item I really liked.

  “Do we have to go to The Hybrid first?” ‘Pre-drinks’ was not what I had in mind, and definitely not at my place of work, but Sky was adamant as ever.

  “Yes, now let’s scoot. Taxi’s waiting.” I raised my eyebrows at Sky.

  I stepped into the bar and was instantly greeted by the lively cheer that permeated the room. Glasses chinked and laughter spread happiness that echoed around with the music. It was often busy on a Friday night as the locals poured their hard-earned cash into Lee’s till.

  I scanned the room and my palms tingled, and a strange familiar feeling washed over me. My heart leapt when I found the source.

  Riley sat across the room, and he wasn’t alone. Two men with a build as strong as Riley’s sat beside him, lost in deep conversation.

  “Are we just going to stand here all night?” Sky asked, interrupting my running thoughts.

  I cleared my throat before answering. “No, of course not.”

  She grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me towards the bar, clearly fed up with waiting. “You don’t have to man-handle me!” I scolded, and stormed ahead.

  As the orders came flooding in I felt guilty at seeing Lee flustered behind the bar. A bright red face wasn’t a good look on him, nor were the veins protruding from his forehead.

  A trickle of anticipation worked its way through my mind as the feeling of being watched engulfed me. I was near Riley and that thought alone caused my face to flush.

  Sky nudged me. “What?” I asked, confused as her face contorted into an awkward squint, and her head shook to the left.

  Riley was standing beside me looking expectantly, “I said, how are you?”

  “Good thanks,” I answered vaguely. “How are you?”

  “I’m better now.” I creased my eyebrows together. What did that mean? He broke my concentration by smiling, a big, dazzling, white smile the kind that could knock you off your feet.

  “I’m Sky, Luna’s best friend,” she interrupted, holding out her hand.

  “Riley.” They shook, and I used the disruption to head behind the bar. Lee needed the break as much as my brain did. Riley was such a mystery.

  “Luna, what are you doing here?” Lee called between pouring pints.

  “Saving your butt from the thirsty locals it seems!” I chuckled. He didn’t look in good shape.

  “They just keep coming!” he said in disbelief.

  I picked up the slack in quick time, and mentally congratulated myself on staying upright on my feet, in heels, with Riley watching. It was proof that I could work without falling over.

  With all the punters satisfied I poured drinks for myself and Sky, and popped the caps off of Riley’s three Corona’s before sitting at the table with him and his friends. I felt jittery and panicked, but I couldn’t refuse after Sky had accepted Riley’s offer of joining them.

  Their eyes fell on me as the night wore on and the feeling of being tested gnawed away at me. Riley’s friends, Nick and Shane, watched me like they knew something I didn’t. It was extremely unnerving.

  I sat and listened to the conversations floating around the table without paying much attention to any one in particular. I caught Riley’s eye again as he focused on me. I was sat next to him, and the close proximity was driving me wild with emotions I couldn’t even begin to explain.

  He leaned towards me, and whispered into my ear. His hot breath sent shivers across my body before he spoke. “I know.�


  “I know you aren’t human anymore.”

  “Excuse me?” I asked, aghast. I was sure Riley had said I wasn’t a human. Was he mad? Or was I?

  “You’re a Werewolf.” He smirked at me, and I stared with my mouth wide open in shock. I was about to laugh at him when he touched my arm. I recoiled quickly as memories flooded my mind.

  Blank spots, confusion, and tiredness - all of it made sense now that I remembered. Was I really a Werewolf? Was it really only yesterday morning when I’d gone for a walk in the woods and then everything went wrong?

  I was crazy, completely and utterly mental-institution crazy.

  My mind was racing, flicking from thought to thought. The piercing headache I’d had, the clarity of my vision, and the voice. The voice that appeared in my mind that didn’t belong to me. I tried to swallow, but my mouth was dry. I picked up my drink and drank it in one.

  “That’s not water you know.” I glared at Sky. She’d ignored me for most of the evening, and it was typical that she chose to be interested in what I was doing now. I couldn’t win!

  My temper flared like wildfire as she scowled at me, and my palms itched from the anger rising like flames, licking across my body. “Let’s take a walk.” Riley grabbed onto my arm and guided me out the door. I couldn’t see much beyond my fury.

  “Deep breaths, Luna. It’ll fade soon, I promise.”

  The chilled air cleared away my anger almost instantly. It was like a flickering candle nearing the end of its wax. I listened to Riley, and emptied the last of my anger into the air.

  “Has that happened before?” he asked as he took a step forward. I couldn’t hide the feeling of déjà vu as we walked along the same street as the previous night.

  “I’ve been close to boiling point a few times,” I admitted, remembering the crash I’d almost caused. “That was the worst though.”

  I stopped walking, and stood in the middle of the bare street. “How is it even possible that I’m a Werewolf? How am I supposed to believe that?” I flapped my arms in the air. “This, Riley, is reality, and Werewolves do not exist here!”

  “Luna,” he inched another step forward. “You’ve been bitten, and you’re going through the change now. I can smell it on you.” His eyes flared, illuminating the brightness of his green irises. “You can deny it all you want, but the truth remains. We do exist.”

  My breath caught in my lungs, and the icy temperature of my own fears crept across my mind. I was scared of the truth that rang clear in Riley’s voice. Something deep inside of me wanted to agree with Riley, as though my very essence had already accepted it like a command. Nothing was ever as it seemed, even the world.

  My mind and body felt disconnected, like I was becoming two people. My body was acting of its own accord, agreeing wholeheartedly, but my mind was conflicted. How could one person suddenly feel so out of sync with themselves?

  “Yesterday when I came for you, why didn’t you recognise my voice?”

  “You came for…Wait! That was you inside my head?” I asked, shocked. “I was a mess yesterday, and in my defence I’ve only just remembered what happened when you touched me! Which was weird by the way.”

  “My touching you was weird?” he looked like I’d hurt his feelings.

  “No, the fact that it triggered my memories! Is that like a superpower?” I sniggered.

  “No, I don’t know how that worked,” he sighed like he was frustrated.

  “How did you get into my head?” I asked, feeling like my privacy had been breached. “Why didn’t you just do that again last night?” I wanted to entertain the idea with the hope of finding out something that could help me understand what was or wasn’t happening to me.

  “I can only do it once. It’s like a beacon call that alerts me of newly-turned wolves. It’s never happened before, but it allows me to find their location and gives me the opportunity to reassure the wolf. It’s not an easy transition.”

  I snorted, knowing full well it wasn’t easy. I didn’t even know if I believed him, I was seriously confused. It was like I was stuck in a dream or parallel universe where fairy tales were real and I was the monster.

  “What happens now? Am I going to grow a bushy tail?” I smirked.

  “You’re not taking this seriously,” he frowned at me like I was a child.

  “You think?” I said sarcastically.

  “Cut it out Luna, that attitude won’t get you very far.” His words smarted a little, and I felt ashamed. “If you want to know what’s going to happen, I’ll tell you, but I won’t if you don’t take this seriously.” He waited a few moments before accepting my nod.

  “You’ll grow a bushy tail only when you’re a wolf,” he explained. “The rest of the time you’ll be normal with a few extra gifts. You’ll have heightened senses, increased strength, and you’ll heal quicker than before.”

  That was a lot to deal with in a few short moments. One minute I was plain Luna, and the next I was Werewolf Luna, supposedly. “Are you OK? You look a little green.”

  “I’m fine!” I snapped as I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my chin. “It’s just a lot to take in.”

  “It is, but once you’ve moved in with me and my pack things will be much easier. You won’t have to hide and we can teach you everything you need to know.”

  “I am NOT moving in with you and your pack!” I hissed. “I have plans, and whatever this is, isn’t going to ruin them!” I stormed off into the bar. Who did he think he was deciding my fate?

  I was royally pissed off as I sat down with another drink, ignoring the faces surrounding me. I didn’t care what Riley thought. I was going to show him just how independent I really was, starting with getting drunk and having a damn good night!


  The music was blaring by the time we got to Pure Sin. It was crowded with bodies jumping to the bass that boomed through the speakers, and the room wreaked of alcohol and sweat. My wonderful newly-heightened senses were picking up on everything, and I realised that some things were better off being smelt through a human nose. I was a little giddy from all the alcohol I’d consumed, but it felt good to let loose for a change.

  Riley and his mates, who I’d no doubt were a part of his pack, tagged along with Sky and I - much to my dismay. I couldn’t shake Riley away, he kept coming back no matter what I tried. I realised, a little late, that he wasn’t going to leave me be. I didn’t know how I felt about that. He was beyond handsome, and I was definitely attracted to him physically, but his domineering ways were irritating me.

  Nick’s blonde curly hair and baby blue eyes matched the heartthrob status his character exuded, as did Shane with his stylish brown hair and eyes the colour of chocolate. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a part of the Werewolf gene that bred model-worthy men. It was no wonder Sky was hanging off of their arms, she couldn’t control herself at the best of times.

  I made my way to the dance floor clutching onto Sky’s hand, and left the guy’s at the bar. Riley’s attention had turned towards me, and he was blatantly staring me down, challenging me. I didn’t know if he was mad at me or being sexy, either way it lit a fire deep in my stomach.

  Everything around me slipped away and all I could see, all I could focus on was him. Electricity ran through my body and I longed to touch him, to forget about our differences and make up the way they did in the movies.

  The connection broke when his eyes left mine. He was clearly much more interested in liquor than me. I felt dazed for a moment, and then focused on my dancing again as disappointment settled in.

  I couldn’t dance at the best of times, and a shuffle to the beat was about as much as I could manage. I couldn’t even focus on my coordination long enough to do that. Riley had upset me.

  I was thirsty, and used that as an excuse to head to the bar, away from everyone else.

  It didn’t surprise me that there were a group of women hanging around Riley and Shane. I rolled my eyes
as a wave of cackling, fake laughter followed every word the guys said.

  I flagged down the bartender and ordered a double vodka and coke. I wouldn’t compete with the girls flocking around Riley, so I set my sights on drowning my sorrows. Here’s to being a Werewolf, I thought as I raised my glass to myself.

  “A lone Werewolf,” I whispered.

  Chapter Five

  Waking with a thumping headache was becoming too much of a regular occurrence for my liking, even if it was self-inflicted. The sun was blaring through my curtains and I usually cherished the warmth it brought into the bedroom, but I felt uncomfortable like I was on fire. I got out of bed and went in search of some water.

  I was making my way down the stairs when I heard a faint rumbling sound. I tried to squelch the sudden panic rising inside me, but I was already imagining the worst. Someone was in my house.

  Adrenaline coursed through my body as I looked around to see what I could use for protection. There was a baseball bat under the stairs, and as quietly as I could, I reached into the cupboard and picked it up.

  I’d never played baseball, and I didn’t even know how, but my parents had insisted on buying me one when I moved in on my own. They were forever worried about my safety, and for once I thanked their over-protectiveness.

  I crept into the living room on my tiptoes, and felt the sponge of the carpet cushion my footsteps. I surveyed every corner, I didn’t want to be caught off guard like I was in the movies. It wasn’t going to be an ‘it’s behind you’ moment.

  Everything seemed fine, except the noise became louder the closer I got to the couch. I held my breath. I was on the brink of combusting with terror. Sudden movement caught my attention and I swung out my arm, using as much force as I could. The bat collided with something hard and I shrieked when I heard a groan.

  “What the hell was that for?”

  “Riley?” I cursed under my breath and tried to slow my heartbeat. He didn’t look happy as he rubbed his forehead. “What are you doing here? You scared the crap outta me! I thought somebody had broken in!” I took the defensive route, not wanting to own up that I’d just hit Riley while he was sleeping.