Nature's Destiny Read online

Page 18

  “We hypothesise that her use had dwindled, and Blake seized the opportunity to incriminate us with the law. Finally, I received another letter late last night.”

  There was another note? Riley hadn’t mentioned it to me, and I felt betrayed by his silence. He’d clearly aired his frustrations at me before, but he’d done the same anyway. Was it out of spite? Did I deserve that?

  “It demanded that I denounce my role as Alpha and hand over the pack.” Gasps of shock filled the room.

  “It is imperative for you all to hear that I have no inclination of handing my title over to terrorism. When I took over from my father I vowed to protect you all, and I will not give in to harassment. I will fight to the death for all of you.”

  It was my turn to gasp. I was mad at it him, sure, but I couldn’t live without him.

  “I won’t be making any rash decisions until I know what is happening. All I can ask is that you remain patient, and keep safe. Shane, Nick and I will remain for a few short moments should you have any more questions. Have a great day all.”

  The meeting was over, but the day’s work had only just begun. While others left, many stayed to demand more from Riley. He was a busy Alpha.

  My Alpha.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Several days had gone by without a worry. Life at Nature’s Destiny was moving forward, and I relished the moments when I had Riley to myself. They’d been the best.

  When Riley worked hard, I spent my time with Roxy and his sisters. I loved them like my family, and I was blessed to have met them. Our friendship had grown strong, and my understanding of my new world had increased too.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Riley pulled me onto his lap while I tried to clear the dishes.

  “You cooked breakfast, so I’ll wash up,” I answered.

  He nuzzled my neck, and breathed in my scent. He was such a distraction.

  “I don’t think you need to leave my lap just yet.” His husky voice instantly attracted my libido. Sex with Riley was phenomenal, and his appetite was insatiable. The past few days had proved that I also couldn’t get enough of him. He was the medication to my burned past.

  He brushed his lips slowly, and teasingly across mine. I nibbled on his lower lip, and gripped my hands in his hair, pulling him closer. He growled in delight, and the sweet vibrations stirred my body into a hungry vixen.

  “Bloody hell. This is the kitchen right? You could save the extreme PDA’s for the bedroom you know.”

  “Shut up, Nick. You’d walk in on us even then. Remember?” Riley countered.

  “I guess, but I can’t help it if you’re always with Luna when I have important news to tell you.”

  “What do you have for me this time, bearer of bad news?” Riley mocked.

  “That’s not fair you know,” he pouted. “We’ve had another letter, actually it’s an e-mail.”

  “What’s it say?” I asked, already knowing it had been foolish to think that Blake had given up on us.

  “Don’t know, we haven’t opened it yet. Shane and I thought we’d wait for our lordship first,” he bowed in jest.

  “Peasant, please lead the way for my fair maiden and I,” said Riley.

  “Shouldn’t you save the jokes for when something terrible isn’t about to happen?” I scolded.

  “Sometimes Luna, the ability to laugh in terrifying moments is the strength that enables you to continue.”

  Riley’s words held deep meaning, and I could see the intelligence behind his statement.

  I followed the men into the study and saw Shane sitting behind a large mahogany desk that held a computer screen, the glare reflecting onto his face. We gathered behind him, and watched as he opened the e-mail. It wasn’t very long, but the message was clear.

  My patience is wearing thin. You have until tonight to surrender your role as Alpha. Failing to do so will lead to extreme consequences. Just how much do you care for your family? Are you willing to sacrifice the lives of your pack for your stubbornness? I’m sending you another gift, you may appreciate this one a little more. I hope it spurs you on


  “TTFN?” Nick asked.

  “Ta ta for now,” I replied. “Have the patrols found anything this morning?”

  “No reports out of the ordinary,” Shane replied. I looked to Riley, he was staring across the room with a face in deep concentration.

  “Shit. Are you running the IP address?” Riley asked.

  “Yeah, just waiting for the results,” Shane replied.

  “Looks like he finally fucked up.”

  “I’m confused,” I blatantly stated.

  “If Shane can track down the IP address from the e-mail, it leads back to the location it was sent from. Hopefully we’ll get lucky and it’ll lead us straight to the arsehole blackmailing us.”

  “You can do that? It’ll show Blake’s location?” I asked, shocked. I was mostly a technology novice, getting by with the little knowledge I needed to work a computer and my iPod. Anyone could do that, but I had no idea I could be tracked down.

  “It’s a bit like GPS in a car or mobile phone. Basically, we’re all connected. A trail is always left behind like an imprint in the technology sphere. It just takes some skill in knowing how to find and interpret it,” said Shane.

  We waited like sitting ducks, and the tension in the room increased with everyone’s impatience. Wolves on the verge of snapping didn’t do anything to calm the growing cramps in my stomach. I felt extremely uneasy.

  “I don’t get it,” Shane blurted.

  “What?” I asked.

  “How does a rogue like Blake afford all those hotel bills? I hacked into his accounts and he’s been getting some serious money lately.”

  “And what about the bitten humans? Where do they come into all this?” I asked.

  “It doesn’t make sense. Rogues are just nomads, loners. They wouldn’t want company, so why create them? Maybe Blake isn’t behind that,” said Nick.

  “Rogues are generally meticulous in their plans too, and that day in town seemed a little sloppy. Too many dead bodies creates a scene,” said Riley.

  “Where’s the connection? Why does Blake want you to step down as Alpha, and why is someone harvesting wolves?” I said.

  I sat on the sofa at the end of the room, and left the guys to bounce ideas. My stomach was churning uncomfortably. I coiled with the pain and growled as loud as I could.

  “Luna?” Riley hurried to my side.

  “Something’s wrong. Something’s happening.” I tried to breathe through it but my body was telling me to run.

  “I can’t explain it Riley, but something really bad is happening. We need to go. I gotta go.” I bolted out of the study room. I didn’t have time to explain when my body felt like it was going to explode if I didn’t move.

  We’re needed. Hurry!

  My wolf’s thoughts broke into my mind. She was right, as always.

  “Luna, wait!”

  “There’s no time, Riley. Trust me.”

  The moment I stepped out of the door I called on my wolf. As one we transformed within seconds, and it was our fastest shift to date. Riley was behind me, though I knew I was about to lose him in the run.

  Without hesitating I sped through the woods, across the fields, and into the foray of the woods again. The feeling of dread grew inside me, and I knew it was because I was getting closer to the source.

  I pushed harder, and pounded the ground with my claws.

  We’re close.

  The scent of blood invaded my mind, and the bitter, metallic scent cut into my nostrils. I charged out of the trees, and halted immediately.

  Lara was trapped.

  Her entire body had been caught by the barbaric traps that disturbed the peaceful land. The teeth protruded through her legs, stomach and arms, and she laid still, unmoving. Her faint breathing was the only sign of life within her.

  I wanted to puke, to turn my eyes away from the nasty image, but I
couldn’t. She needed me, and I wouldn’t let her die like that.

  Out of my peripheral vision movement caught my attention. I protected Lara’s body with mine, and raised on my haunches preparing to attack.

  A tall man with a scruffy dishevelled look stood near. He had long jet-black hair that curled around his face. He reeked of evil, and the onyx colour of his eyes gave away his identity. Blake.

  He smiled crookedly as he tried to get near Lara. I growled a warning at him. He was not going to touch her under my watch. His momentary pause was all I needed to shift quickly.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” he taunted.

  “Get away.” I grinded my teeth as fury blazed through my body, and an instinctive bubble of energy grew inside me again.

  “Oh, we are a protective little madam aren’t we?”

  Destroy him.

  “Stay away, or I’ll make you leave,” I warned.

  “You think I’m afraid of a little thing like you? A poor lost girl afraid of the big bad wolf. You overestimate your abilities sweet thing,” he sassed.

  “If you think that, you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to.”

  “Oh, I know. It was my biggest failing leaving you behind. If only I’d gotten back to you before Alpha Riley did, then you’d be here with me, serving your purpose.”

  “You bit me?”

  “I did, and you tasted divine.” He winked at me, and my stomach rolled with the temptation to heave.

  “Lu…….” Lara moaned.

  “Leave, before I rip your throat out.”

  “Not before I finish what was asked of me.” He advanced, and grabbed a knife from his pocket. He was aiming at Lara, but I caught his arm before he could get near.

  He pulled free, and charged at me again. Relying on my instincts I slammed the blade out of his hand and kicked out at his torso. My foot connected with the hard muscle of his body and he staggered backwards.

  I ran towards Lara. She was fading fast.

  Big hands tore me away, and lifted me off of the ground. I punched out at Blake, and shocked him enough to let me go. I fell to the floor, and he instantly pinned me down. My heart palpitated exponentially. It was nothing like the play fights I’d had with Riley.

  His eyes glimmered as his face contorted. He was part-shifting as his canines lengthened. Using all the strength I had I forced his body off of mine in one big push. He flew through the air, and crashed onto the ground with a heavy thump.

  I scrambled to my feet and darted towards Lara as Riley jumped through the trees with Nick and Shane behind him.

  “You two get Blake, Shane I need your help,” I called. “Shane you’ll need to shift back.”

  Lara moaned again.

  “Christ, Lara,” Shane exclaimed.

  “Stay with me, Lara,” I called as I wrapped my hands around the metal trap. “Can you lift her out when I open this?” I said.

  “Sure. This doesn’t look good, Luna.”

  “I know.” I didn’t want to admit how close to death Lara was.

  As I pulled at the trap, the gruesome sound of bones breaking echoed in my ears. I looked up to see Riley standing over the dead body that had been Blake’s, his jaw clamped on Blake’s twisted neck. Nick was there too, cleaning the blood from his fur.

  I stretched the bars a little more, and a slight sweat crept across my forehead.

  “Got it,” I panted, holding steady. Shane lifted her quickly and the blood seeped from her body and saturated the ground. I let the bars slam shut. It was another trap added to the pile.

  Riley and Nick transformed. “Luna, you have to take her to the hospital. You’re the only one fast enough.” Riley looked beaten up, like he hated asking for my help, but I was already protecting Lara’s body with mine ready to take off running.

  The energy pulsing through my body channelled its way into my legs. And I ran. I ran as fast as I could without jostling Lara and tripping.

  Tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t lose Lara now.

  “Hold on, Lara. I’m doing my best. Just fight a few more minutes,” I begged, and pushed harder, willing my body to fly through the woods.

  “Luna….It’s dark,” she whimpered, her voice barely there.

  “Don’t give in, Lara. Who else will I have to boss me on my runs?” I asked to keep her talking. “I won’t lose you!” Sobs wracked my body, as determination swam through me.

  Electricity tingled through my legs, and I forced myself to run faster, ignoring the pain that was beginning to seep through.

  I could see the hospital as I sprinted out of the woods. “Nearly there, Lara.”


  “Yes, Lara?”

  “I’m glad you’re my sister.” She smiled faintly, and my heart broke.

  “So am I.” I burst through the hospital doors and shouted for help as I laid Lara onto a bed.

  “What happened?” Faye shouted, horrified as she came running into the room with Nurse Annabelle and Doctor Aled.

  “Another trap. She’s lost a lot of blood,” I repeated, exhaling loudly from the run.

  “Let’s get her into surgery now!” Doctor Aled shouted.

  I followed them to the doors, until Nurse Annabelle stuck her hand in front of my face.

  “You have to stay here.” I opened my mouth to challenge her but she closed the door on me. I punched it hard.

  I paced the waiting room as tears continued to stream down my face. There wasn’t anything more I could do.

  Riley, Nick and Shane ran in, looking as sad and dishevelled as each other. I understood.

  “They wouldn’t let me in,” I explained.

  I hugged Riley tight as neither one of us spoke. We cried together as the fate of Lara’s life hung in the balance. I begged for her survival. I couldn’t lose a sister I’d only just found.

  Save her. Please.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The agonising silence of the sparse room was unbearable. Tears no longer escaped my eyes, but the body shattering heaves left me broken. The quiet of Riley’s unspoken words screamed louder than anything he could have said.

  We were waiting, again. While Nick paced, Shane went to find Roxy. She had just as much right to know what was happening. I sat with my head in Riley’s lap, and his hand caressed over my hair. It was soothing my anxiety, but couldn’t vanish my sorrow.

  Lara was dying.

  The ever-present scent of bleach burned my nose. I hated hospitals. My clothes were covered in Lara’s blood, and it was a horrible reminder of what had happened.

  I hated waiting. I hated sitting around. I hated the feeling of being useless. I hated everything that was happening.

  Why Lara?

  “You know, she always tried to beat me at sports,” Riley murmured.

  “She’s always been one of the lads,” Nick smiled. “I remember the day she challenged you to an arm wrestle,” Nick chuckled, and so did Riley.

  “She was only eight at the time, and mum and dad kept spurring her on.” Riley shook his head as he reminisced.

  “How old were you?” I asked.

  “I guess I was about fifteen. She was adamant that she would win.”

  “She almost did,” Nick laughed. “Lara didn’t play fair.”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “She bit my arm.” Riley laughed again, his voice soaring into the room.

  “She knew she was losing, so she distracted Riley long enough to bite him, and it all went downhill from there,” Nick explained.

  “You could have let her win you know,” I said.

  “And have the pack think their future Alpha could be taken by a girl?” Riley mocked.

  “I think they would have understood that you were being a kind brother.”

  “I was a fifteen year-old teenager. My ego was far too big to let that happen.” I shoved his side playfully. “Hey, it wasn’t easy being the Alpha’s son.”

  “Oh no, of course not, privileged Sir,�
�� Nick teased.

  The doors ahead opened and Faye walked through looking exhausted and beaten. My heart jumped.

  “How is she?” Riley asked. Adrenaline surged through my body as I squeezed Riley’s hand. I didn’t know if I was ready to hear what she had to say.

  “She’s stable.” I sighed with relief as Faye continued. “I managed to close the wounds in time, but she’s weak.”

  “Can we see her?” I asked.

  “Not yet. They’re pumping blood into her body as we speak, but it’s going to take a little longer than usual for her to heal.”

  “Do they have enough blood? Do they need mine?” Riley fussed with his arm.

  “They have plenty, Riley” Faye consoled. “Let Lara rest a while.”

  I hugged her tight, elated that Lara was recovering. Faye looked ready to collapse. The magic her spell had used had taken it out of her, and I wished I’d been able to help her too.

  “Do you know what happened?” she asked.

  “No, we need to ask Lara,” I said.

  “Give her an hour.”

  Riley sat down again, and I followed. Waiting didn’t seem like a big issue now that we knew she was safe. Alive.

  Faye disappeared through the doors again, and Nick resumed his pacing. He was obviously still keyed up.

  “Blake was the one who bit me,” I said, remembering our encounter as it played in my mind over and over again.

  “He told you that?” Nick asked.

  “Yeah, he said something about it being his biggest failure leaving me behind, and that I had a purpose to serve.”

  “I’m fed up of trying to make sense out of this bullshit,” Riley shouted. “Rogues hate companionship. His one night stands proved that. Dump a girl before she gets too close. But this? Turning humans? Where’s the line?”

  “I think I have the answer for that too.”

  “What do you mean, Luna?” Nick asked.

  “It was something Blake said when he lunged for Lara. I threatened him to leave, but his reply was something about finishing a job. It was almost like he was hinting that he’d been hired to set up the traps, run us off the road and dump the body.”